Friday, 23 October 2015

Short film research: Script, 1st draft

Questionnaire Results : Question 2

Questionaire results: Question 1

I have collected the data from my questionnaire, in the next few posts I will publish the results of my survey and have a summary at the end.

Question 1) What Gender are you?
Overall, I received 14 answers, it happened to be that 7 of the results came from Female and the other 7 from male. This is good because the number is equal, meaning the end result will be better.

Short Film Practice: Love Compilation

We were given the task to use iMovie to create a short film consisting of existing films. I created one using clips from five different films with the same underlying topic, Romance. I wanted portray how some love lasts and others turn sour. I used The Notebook, A walk to remember, stuck in love, the perks of being a wallflower and The fault in our stars. The purpose of this task was to get used to using iMovie and give us some background experience prior to creating the final product.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Film Review Style Model 2

This is the second review page analysis.

Film Poster Style Model

This is the second poster analysis I have done to help me build ideas for my short film poster.

Film Review Style Model

Another ancillary task is to create a review page poster for your short film, so I analysed two review pages. This is my first one.

Film Poster Style Model

For me to create my short film poster for the ancillary tasks that come with the A2 coursework, I am going to have a look at two existing posters and analyse what features about them that I like and that I can use within my own piece.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Short Film Research: Music Permission

If my short film was a real production, I would need to ask for permission to use people's songs so that it doesn't break copyright rules.
I decided that I would tweet the artist and ask her if I could have permission to use her cover of Pretty Hurts. I didn't expect her to reply or acknowledge it, so I was surprised when she favourite the tweet. I have took this as permission to use the track.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Short Film Research - Considered Songs

The following songs were ones I considered using to put into my short film. I decided against using these songs when I came across the ones that I liked the best.