Friday, 3 October 2014

Music Magazine Questionnaire

In order for me to create my magazine, I need to do a little research into what the audience would want to see and expect from a music magazine, therefore I created this questionnaire and from the results I receive, this is how I will determine what my magazine will feature.

Please circle the appropriate.
1.       What Gender are you?
Male       Female       Prefer Not to Say
2.       How old are you?
15-18    19-25   25-35   35+
3.       Which type of music genre magazine do you like to read? (if other, please be specific)
Pop   Rap   Punk   Rock   Indie   Charts   Other   ________
4.       If this magazine featured a celebrity would you be more enticed to read it?
Yes   No   Maybe
5.       Which colour scheme would you prefer?
Light        Dark
6.       How much would you prefer pay for a good quality music magazine?
£1.00-£2.50    £2.50-£4.00   £4.00+
7.       What kind of advert would you look at in a music magazine?
New Albums       Upcoming Shows and Tours    Related Music Product.
8.       Would you prefer to buy a weekly or a monthly magazine?
Weekly        Monthly
9.       Would you like double page features to be focused on artists?
Yes           No
10.   Would you be more inclined to read the contents page if it featured images?
Yes          No
11.   Out of these titles, for a rap/hip hop magazine genre, which one do you like best?
Boss         Dominant      Royal

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