Saturday, 19 December 2015

Filming Day 3 - Redoing Taylor's Indoor Scene

Today, I went out to re-do the indoor scene where Abigail is in her room and looking at herself in the mirror with the words written on this. I had to do this because the first time around, I had misspelt "lonely" and it wasn't very professional to edit this into the film with a spelling mistake on it. Whilst we done that, I also added in a reaction shot of her reading the facebook chat as this adds to how much we know about the way Abigail feels.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Filming Day 2

On the second day of filming, I took a morning to shoot all of the indoor scenes which involved Taylor. I again had the idea of where I wanted to go but once we started to film, it all began to lay itself out very naturally. I had to adjust the lighting a few times as I was mainly relying on natural lighting through the window but at certain points, it became too exposed and Taylor began to appear quite washed out. I blocked the light out to fix this and the room still managed to maintain a good level of lighting.

When filming Taylor, I was giving her direct instructions on where to place herself and how she needed to act in different scenes. It also took me a few attempts to get a good shot of the laptop screen as it kept flitching and going out of focus.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Filming Update 1

This video highlights how my first filming day went and what I'm happy with and where I am wanting to go next with my film

Friday, 4 December 2015

Filming Schedule

Both of my main characters are also filming their own coursework and have other commitments. Therefore, I felt the need to create a filming schedule so that they knew when I planned on filming, what I was filming, what they needed to wear and who I was filming.

I have had a good response from this, I have attached the schedule below.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Short film research: Script, 1st draft

Questionnaire Results : Question 2

Questionaire results: Question 1

I have collected the data from my questionnaire, in the next few posts I will publish the results of my survey and have a summary at the end.

Question 1) What Gender are you?
Overall, I received 14 answers, it happened to be that 7 of the results came from Female and the other 7 from male. This is good because the number is equal, meaning the end result will be better.

Short Film Practice: Love Compilation

We were given the task to use iMovie to create a short film consisting of existing films. I created one using clips from five different films with the same underlying topic, Romance. I wanted portray how some love lasts and others turn sour. I used The Notebook, A walk to remember, stuck in love, the perks of being a wallflower and The fault in our stars. The purpose of this task was to get used to using iMovie and give us some background experience prior to creating the final product.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Film Review Style Model 2

This is the second review page analysis.

Film Poster Style Model

This is the second poster analysis I have done to help me build ideas for my short film poster.

Film Review Style Model

Another ancillary task is to create a review page poster for your short film, so I analysed two review pages. This is my first one.

Film Poster Style Model

For me to create my short film poster for the ancillary tasks that come with the A2 coursework, I am going to have a look at two existing posters and analyse what features about them that I like and that I can use within my own piece.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Short Film Research: Music Permission

If my short film was a real production, I would need to ask for permission to use people's songs so that it doesn't break copyright rules.
I decided that I would tweet the artist and ask her if I could have permission to use her cover of Pretty Hurts. I didn't expect her to reply or acknowledge it, so I was surprised when she favourite the tweet. I have took this as permission to use the track.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Short Film Research - Considered Songs

The following songs were ones I considered using to put into my short film. I decided against using these songs when I came across the ones that I liked the best.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Short Film Research: Introducing Jacob

The purpose of this post is to let my audience get to know my main characters, this one is introducing the main male character in my film. I created this spider diagram to record personality traits that my character has, this will allow the audience to get a better feel for the film and relate more to the character.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Character Profiles: Introducing Abigail

One of the important stages in creating a short film is building the characters, their background story and their relationship.

I made this mind map to record all of the personality traits my characters will hold. This will help me when I come to create a small dialogue. I aim to portray all of these emotions and features in my short film.


I also took a photo of both of my characters together, this enabled me to see first hand how they will look together.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Short Film Research: Scouting for Male Character

It is important that before choosing my main male character, I scouted for potential actors. I tracked down three males who I would use in my film and from this, I have decided who I want to use.
Character Profile:
Lewis Taylor
DOB: 25th July 1998
Height: 5ft 8
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown

Character Profile:
Joe Moore
DOB: 16th May 1999
Height: 5ft 8
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Character Profile:
Luke Birkbeck
DOB: 10th October 2015
Height: 6ft
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown

I have came to the conclusion that I will use candidate one for my short film. I have chosen Lewis because I feel like he will fit the description of my character perfectly. He is also very flexible for filming times.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Short Film Research: Scouting for the Female Character

I think it's important that the right person plays the role of  Abigail, therefore I wanted to have a choice between people. I decided that I would go around the people I knew, assessing them for the role.

Georgia Brown
DOB: 24th December 1997
Height: 5ft 5
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Blonde


 Lauren Daley
DOB: 2nd August 1998
Height: 5ft 5
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown

Taylor Johnston
DOB: 23rd July 1998
Height: 5ft 3
 Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown

I decided to pick Taylor for my main character because I feel like she would look the best with the male character and they will compliment each other. I also think she will play the role perfectly.

Short Film Research: Questionnaire

In order for me to understand what my audience wants, I have created a survey for people to take. My survey will then help me incorporate what my audience would like to see into  my short film. The questions in this survey will help me decide what I should put into my film and what will be effective. I want to create an emotional piece, so by asking these questions I'm getting an insight into how they may feel.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Short Film Research: The Pitch

For my A2 coursework, I am going to create a short film. I decided to make a short film because I liked the idea of creating something from scratch and making it all I wanted to be.

My short film is going to be about an insecure 17 year old girl called Abigail. Everybody associates her as carefree and happy but what they don't know is she runs an anonymous blog where she writes about her true feelings, the sadness she feels everyday. Somehow, this blog only has one reader who comments everyday in an attempt to change her mind about they way she views life. The reader keeps themselves as an anonymous commenter, but little does she know that the person who keeps her alive, she walks past everyday.

The following songs are the ones I have found to use in my film, I am yet to decide on the final ones:
  • Pretty Hurts (Acoustic) Jessica Sanchez
  • Pretty Hurts Jacquie Lee
  • Broken Ones (Acoustic) Jacquie Lee
  • Silent Tori Kelly

Locations I would like to use:
  • Two bedrooms (one girls, one boys)
  • Hebburn Harbour
  • A large hill

  • Two laptops
  • Two mobile phones
  • Mirror
Audience and purpose:
  • My chosen audience is going to be teenagers, I want my short film to highlight that not everybody is the happy souls they put themselves across as and 1 in 5 people suffer from depression, unknowingly to others. I want my film to send the message that despite the loneliness you may feel, there's always somebody who is willing to listen to you and be there if you need them. I want to make sure my short film is relatable as most teenage girls and boys at some point, put themselves down. Whether this is in regards to how they look or school grades.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Short Film Research: Realisation (In the mind of a pregnant teenager)

Mise En Scene

In the first sequence, the mise en scene shows a girl in a bathroom setting holding a pregnancy test. She fiddles around with the box which could suggest she is nervous or apprehensive to take the test. In the next sequence, you see a pregnancy test with two lines on, demonstrating that she is pregnant. Beside the test, is her mobile phone, which supports the stereotype that teenagers don't go anywhere without their phones. The next sequence shows a bin, in which she disposes the test as if she wants to forget about it. In the final sequence, the low light and feminine bed sheets denotes a bedroom scene. The main focus of light is coming from her mobile phone which has a text from someone who we assume is the father of the child. We know they have a close relationship due to the stereotypical teenage lovers names such as "baby" and "bae".


Close ups are the more dominant shot types throughout this short film. This creates an intense and personal feel to the film. The close up medium shots allow us to see what else is within the frame except the main detail.


The only sound throughout this film is a non-digetic music. It is the same tune throughout, a soft piano based sound which has upsetting feels and helps build a certain mood for a film. This denotes sadness.


The film tends to have mainly long shots which helps you indulge into the film. The first scene is 17 seconds long. The second scene is 7 seconds long and the camera moves from a high angle shot of the ceiling, to a low angle shot of the pregnancy test. Again, the third scene is 7 seconds, with a black out at the end.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Ancillary Task: Chase Scene

At the beginning of year 13, we were asked to get into small groups to record a chase scene and edit it on iMovie in order to make us used to filming and editing for when it came to our coursework. My group created the following chase scene.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Year 13 Work

Now that I have began Year 13, I am going to be taking on a new task as part of my coursework. I have to create a filmed piece and preliminary tasks. I have decided that I am going to work independently on this project as opposed to working in a pair or a small group.

The ancillary task that comes with making a short film is to create a film poster which serves the purpose of promoting and advertising my production. Also, I have to create a magazine review of the film. I plan on thoroughly researching typical conventions of short film posters and film reviews in order to make sure my work is as realistic as possible.

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Finished Article

This is the article that I produced.