Friday, 18 September 2015

Short Film Research: The Pitch

For my A2 coursework, I am going to create a short film. I decided to make a short film because I liked the idea of creating something from scratch and making it all I wanted to be.

My short film is going to be about an insecure 17 year old girl called Abigail. Everybody associates her as carefree and happy but what they don't know is she runs an anonymous blog where she writes about her true feelings, the sadness she feels everyday. Somehow, this blog only has one reader who comments everyday in an attempt to change her mind about they way she views life. The reader keeps themselves as an anonymous commenter, but little does she know that the person who keeps her alive, she walks past everyday.

The following songs are the ones I have found to use in my film, I am yet to decide on the final ones:
  • Pretty Hurts (Acoustic) Jessica Sanchez
  • Pretty Hurts Jacquie Lee
  • Broken Ones (Acoustic) Jacquie Lee
  • Silent Tori Kelly

Locations I would like to use:
  • Two bedrooms (one girls, one boys)
  • Hebburn Harbour
  • A large hill

  • Two laptops
  • Two mobile phones
  • Mirror
Audience and purpose:
  • My chosen audience is going to be teenagers, I want my short film to highlight that not everybody is the happy souls they put themselves across as and 1 in 5 people suffer from depression, unknowingly to others. I want my film to send the message that despite the loneliness you may feel, there's always somebody who is willing to listen to you and be there if you need them. I want to make sure my short film is relatable as most teenage girls and boys at some point, put themselves down. Whether this is in regards to how they look or school grades.

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