Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Magazine Production: Adding the Artist Title

I want my magazine to follow the conventions of a music magazine, so I need to outline who my cover artists are by using a title for them. I called my duo "The Stonehearts". I messed around in dafont trying to find the right font for the cover and discovered this one. I chose this font because of the bubbly effect and has quite a fun look to it.

I firstly positioned it on a slant mainly over the second model however I didn't like this and moved it over the both of them, making the font bigger so it stands out more and turning it on a straight line, I done this when I had made other changes to the magazine such as changing the background, the font and the font's colour. 

I am much happier with the font like this as opposed to the original. This way, I think the magazine still has a professional look towards it and the font stands out way more. I added an effect to this font layer called "stroke" this allowed the font to have the black text outline shown, I thought this was better because it defines the text more than the original. 
I then added a tagline under the artist title because I wanted the audience to have an idea what the cover story is about. I put this in a teal kind of colour because I felt like my magazine cover needed another colour to make it look good.

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