Saturday, 15 November 2014

Magazine Production: Building My Front Cover

Now that I have started creating my magazine, I am going to log how I am building the front cover and note down any issues that I may face or problems that I fix.

1. The first thing I done was use the gradient tool to decide which colour I wanted my background to be, I went with a silver/grey and white. After trial and error of finding the right combination, I settled with the one you see above.

2. The second step was finding the right fonts, after looking through the ones already built into Photoshop, I decided that none of them were what I was looking for. I went onto and browsed through their graffiti/marker fonts. For "The Stonehearts" I used DK Downward fall. For the logo I decided to put a stroke around it and fill the font with a dark grey colour, the font I used was called Handbrush cre.

3. I chose this specific photo because it fits in with the rap theme and the idea of most rappers not to be messed with, after cutting this out using the magic wand tool, I adjusted the colour to remove some of the green reflection that was appearing on the image.

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