Thursday, 20 November 2014

Magazine Production: Adding Detail

Adding detail to my cover is important to make it look like it could be a real magazine cover. Most magazines have taglines on their front cover and the magazine that I was using to inspire this front cover had a tagline feature, therefore I wanted to use this feature also.  

I started by thinking of stories that would be related to my music magazine's genre. I then added this text and put effects on it to make it stand out on the page more. The effects I used was outer glow, bevel and emboss and stroke. I used these to create a stand out effect on the page.

Another small feature I done which is important is added a barcode which I found online and the price of my magazine which is £3, the usual music magazine price in this genre of music. I also included the month of publication as this is common. I advertised the magazine's website in pale font beside the logo to show that my magazine is versatile.

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