Thursday, 20 November 2014

Magazine Production: Changing my Logo's Font and Colour.


I decided to change the font of my logo from the one shown at the top to the one in the above two photos. I think this was important because the first font had a slimy kind of effect to it and although they are similar fonts, the second one is more sharp. It was also important for me to change the logo font's colour to white because it made it look more sharp against the background of the logo. I first tried a black background for my logo and changed it because I thought the colour scheme looked too monochrome and was needing a bit of colour, therefore I changed it to a red, I matched the colour of the logo background to the lipstick colour shown on the model to the left, I done this by using the colour picker tool on Photoshop. I think the red background has more of a professional look and compliments the white font colour more than the black does as it makes it look bold and fresh. 


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