Monday, 15 December 2014

Magazine Production: Building The B-Side

This is the beginning of my second contents page and what I done to create it.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Magazine Production: Changing the Masthead on Contents Page 1

I thought my magazine contents page looked better if I put some original title work into it. I decided to change the title from "The A-side" to "The A-team"
This is the font I chose from Dafont called Bebas Neue.
I cut away the background using the Magic Wand Tool, then posted it into my original page & changed the dash colour to keep with my house style and be the same swatch of red as my logo.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Magazine Production: Contents Page 2 Images

For this content's page, I decided to use many different images to fit along the conventions of a music magazine.

Magazine Production: Contents Page Text

The final steps in creating my magazine is adding relevant story hooks to the contents page. This text is important because it is seen on all contents pages and will direct the readers where to look towards.

I started adding text like  "Featured Artist" to let the readers know that this story is about the cover artist. I also decided to have the story title in black bold font called Franklin Gothic Heavy. I Chose to do it this way so they stand out more and appeal to the audience. The story brief underneath is in a small font to ensure that the title stands out.
After adding all the text, I realised that the "featured artist" didn't stand out very well. So I decided to put a small red box underneath it.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Magazine Production: Adding Detail to Contents Page 1

Like any of my other pages in my magazine, adding small details to the contents page was important. Powered by emaze

Monday, 8 December 2014

Magazine Production: Content's page background & title.

Below in my presentation you will see the beginning of the making for my contents page and the background colour & title I used.

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Friday, 5 December 2014

Magazine Production: Content's page Images.

I decided that I wanted to make two contents pages as the first one that I made didn't have enough text on to qualify looking like a real magazine. I stuck to my style model's features. This is my chosen images that I took for the main contents page.

This is after I cut out the image and placed it on the template for the contents page. I positioned the model to the left of the page so that I could fill text to the right of the page. I cut this out using the Quick Selection tool.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Magazine Production: Artist Story Hook

I also wanted to keep like my style model and add a story hook for my magazine double page. I kept it in the same font as the "Ethan Parish" to have similarities.

 I again added drop shadow to make it pop, a colour overlay of red to keep with my scheme and stroke to add an outline for the text. I think these were good effects to use because it makes the artist name stand out more due to the dark colour beneath it.

Magazine Production: Artist Title

I found the font for my artist on dafont, I wanted it to look block and bold like my style model.
This is what it looked like when I first inserted it on.
I added a drop shadow effect to the name so that it stood out a lot more and changed the font colour to white which makes the font look fresh and clean cut. I done this by right clicking the layer and clicking blending options.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Magazine Production: Adding Artist names

I wanted to keep with my style model so I adapted the feature of the faded artist names as the background. I done this because I liked how it looked and it saved me trying to find a background colour. Adding all of these texts took a while as I had to change the font for each one. I had a thick bold font and then a skinny one because it looked good. I turned the opacity down on every artist names so that it faded into the background and looked transparent.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Magazine Production: Details

Adding details to the magazine is important.

Magazine Production: The Image

These are the images I took for the new front cover. In my presentation you can see the chosen image and the potential ones.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

New Style Model

Since I have changed the idea for my magazine,  I have selected new style models.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Magazine Production: New Cover, Big Change.

After trying to build my contents page for "The Stonehearts" magazine cover, it wasn't looking how I imagined it. I wasn't happy with my front cover either as I thought I could do much better than that. I also had a problem with all of the images I took in that photo shoot as I thought they weren't good enough, they had green glows around them from the lighting and the green screen. It was proving too difficult to cut out accurately and edit to make them look better. I also didn't think the models complimented each other and didn't like the idea of a duo anymore. This is why I decided on changing my model for the front cover and the design. Therefore I have had to chose new style models for my magazine which can be seen in the presentation below.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Magazine Production: Adding Detail

Adding detail to my cover is important to make it look like it could be a real magazine cover. Most magazines have taglines on their front cover and the magazine that I was using to inspire this front cover had a tagline feature, therefore I wanted to use this feature also.  

I started by thinking of stories that would be related to my music magazine's genre. I then added this text and put effects on it to make it stand out on the page more. The effects I used was outer glow, bevel and emboss and stroke. I used these to create a stand out effect on the page.

Another small feature I done which is important is added a barcode which I found online and the price of my magazine which is £3, the usual music magazine price in this genre of music. I also included the month of publication as this is common. I advertised the magazine's website in pale font beside the logo to show that my magazine is versatile.

Magazine Production: Changing my Logo's Font and Colour.


I decided to change the font of my logo from the one shown at the top to the one in the above two photos. I think this was important because the first font had a slimy kind of effect to it and although they are similar fonts, the second one is more sharp. It was also important for me to change the logo font's colour to white because it made it look more sharp against the background of the logo. I first tried a black background for my logo and changed it because I thought the colour scheme looked too monochrome and was needing a bit of colour, therefore I changed it to a red, I matched the colour of the logo background to the lipstick colour shown on the model to the left, I done this by using the colour picker tool on Photoshop. I think the red background has more of a professional look and compliments the white font colour more than the black does as it makes it look bold and fresh. 


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Magazine Production: Adding the Artist Title

I want my magazine to follow the conventions of a music magazine, so I need to outline who my cover artists are by using a title for them. I called my duo "The Stonehearts". I messed around in dafont trying to find the right font for the cover and discovered this one. I chose this font because of the bubbly effect and has quite a fun look to it.

I firstly positioned it on a slant mainly over the second model however I didn't like this and moved it over the both of them, making the font bigger so it stands out more and turning it on a straight line, I done this when I had made other changes to the magazine such as changing the background, the font and the font's colour. 

I am much happier with the font like this as opposed to the original. This way, I think the magazine still has a professional look towards it and the font stands out way more. I added an effect to this font layer called "stroke" this allowed the font to have the black text outline shown, I thought this was better because it defines the text more than the original. 
I then added a tagline under the artist title because I wanted the audience to have an idea what the cover story is about. I put this in a teal kind of colour because I felt like my magazine cover needed another colour to make it look good.

Magazine Production : Changing the Background Colour.

This is the changes I made to my magazine in the second week.
I changed the background colour from the gradient to a full light grey, I done this because I didn't think the gradient looked good and didn't follow many conventions of rap magazines, due to me wanting to have a professional magazine cover, I had to make this change in order to achieve this.

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Magazine Production: Building My Front Cover

Now that I have started creating my magazine, I am going to log how I am building the front cover and note down any issues that I may face or problems that I fix.

1. The first thing I done was use the gradient tool to decide which colour I wanted my background to be, I went with a silver/grey and white. After trial and error of finding the right combination, I settled with the one you see above.

2. The second step was finding the right fonts, after looking through the ones already built into Photoshop, I decided that none of them were what I was looking for. I went onto and browsed through their graffiti/marker fonts. For "The Stonehearts" I used DK Downward fall. For the logo I decided to put a stroke around it and fill the font with a dark grey colour, the font I used was called Handbrush cre.

3. I chose this specific photo because it fits in with the rap theme and the idea of most rappers not to be messed with, after cutting this out using the magic wand tool, I adjusted the colour to remove some of the green reflection that was appearing on the image.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Chosen Style Model

These are the style models I have chose to base my magazine around.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Mock Up: Contents Page

The final mock up plan is for my Contents page.

Mock Up: Double Page

This aim of this post is the same as my previous. This flat plan is for my double page feature.

Mock up: Front Cover

I am now near the stage where I will be able to start creating my magazine but before this, I want to have a rough idea of what I want my magazine to look like. The aim of this is to see if when I come to making the front cover, if I stick to the plan or have to change it.

Publishers : Hearst

The 2/3 magazine publisher I decided to research was Hearst Publications. I done my research on some of their top brands that they publish. I created my presentation on emaze.

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Publishers: Bauer

One of the tasks we have to carry out is some research into magazine publishers, I have chosen to do three. This is what I found out about Bauer Media.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Photo Analysis: LA

The second photo analysis that I done was a landscape picture of LA at sunset. This shows how different techniques are put into place.

Photo Analysis: Audrey Hepburn

When it comes to taking the photos to create my magazine, there are many different factors and features that I have to take into consideration. I have to be able to correctly position the model in the frame and think of what the photo could potentially be suggesting.
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Monday, 3 November 2014

My Reader Profile

To conclude the reader profile research, I had to create one for my magazine.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Reader Profile: XXL Magazine

Another thing I have had to do in order to produce my magazine is research different magazines reader profiles. I decided to analyse XXL magazine because it is the same type of genre that I plan on having.

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Reader Profile : NME Magazine

I have to analyse magazine's reader profiles and one that I analysed was NME, I done this beacause it is a different music genre to the one I plan to have my magazine based upon,this is what I came up with.

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Theory: Marjorie Ferguson's

The third theory I studied was by Marjorie Ferguson's and here is what I found out

Theory: Uses and Gratifications

Uses and Gratifications is part of the three main theories in relation to media, I done some research to see how this can be used in the magazine industry.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Theory: Naomi Wolf Beauty Myth

As part of the build up to creating my magazine, I have to research into three different media theorist. For the first one, I researched into Naomi Wolf's Beauty Myth.

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Friday, 10 October 2014

Questionnaire Results

Following my previous post about the questionnaire, I have received my questionnaire results and made them into pie charts. This is what I have concluded from the results and this will be the criteria for my music magazine.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Music Magazine Questionnaire

In order for me to create my magazine, I need to do a little research into what the audience would want to see and expect from a music magazine, therefore I created this questionnaire and from the results I receive, this is how I will determine what my magazine will feature.

Please circle the appropriate.
1.       What Gender are you?
Male       Female       Prefer Not to Say
2.       How old are you?
15-18    19-25   25-35   35+
3.       Which type of music genre magazine do you like to read? (if other, please be specific)
Pop   Rap   Punk   Rock   Indie   Charts   Other   ________
4.       If this magazine featured a celebrity would you be more enticed to read it?
Yes   No   Maybe
5.       Which colour scheme would you prefer?
Light        Dark
6.       How much would you prefer pay for a good quality music magazine?
£1.00-£2.50    £2.50-£4.00   £4.00+
7.       What kind of advert would you look at in a music magazine?
New Albums       Upcoming Shows and Tours    Related Music Product.
8.       Would you prefer to buy a weekly or a monthly magazine?
Weekly        Monthly
9.       Would you like double page features to be focused on artists?
Yes           No
10.   Would you be more inclined to read the contents page if it featured images?
Yes          No
11.   Out of these titles, for a rap/hip hop magazine genre, which one do you like best?
Boss         Dominant      Royal

Music Magazine Analysis

As part of my Media Studies course, I have to produce my own  music magazine products, so in order for me to get a feel of what I needed to have in my magazine I have done an analysis on existing music magazines. I have made comments on two front covers, two contents page and two double page spreads.

Here is what I have came up with.

Monday, 15 September 2014

School Magazine Coursework

Welcome, as part of my media coursework I had to create a School Magazine cover and a contents page, Here is what I produced...
I made both of these pages using Photoshop.


Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Hello, my name is Rachel Mullen and I am 16 years old. I am a media student at Heworth Grange Sixth Form.